While teachers meet with parents and upperclassmen for semester evaluations this…

While teachers meet with parents and upperclassmen for semester evaluations this week, each of the students is working on his or her own independent project.

7th graders create a diorama in a shoe box of an animal in its natural habitat and 8th graders create a model or poster on some topic from Medieval history. Freshmen write a research paper an event from American history; Sophomores research a topic from European history; and Juniors take on a current event.

Meanwhile the seniors are constructing balsa wood bridges using their knowledge of physics and testing their load bearing capacity … by breaking them. Every bridge has its breaking point!

7th and 8th graders will present their work next Thursday at Project Night and the rest of the school will begin presenting their findings to their teachers when we return to classes.

What topic or project is your child taking on this week?
